damn, i had fun yesterday!
it was a blast!
it was a blast!
i'll let the pictures do the talking yeah:D
audrey & zuhui:D

the four of us! clockwise: carol, aud, zuhui, me.

2nd/3rd row: nigel, yonghui-JINGSHEN, zhenghan, LIUKONG!

we're in the pool! (aud, zuhui, me)

top: zuhui, aud, winston, hannbin
bottom: carol and i (I HAD TO SQUAT!) winston! happy birthday! :D

the 2o9ners!

carol left already, to meet *ahemahem*
top: winston, audrey, leonard, nigel, kj and his braces
bottom: zuhui, me hello zuhui!:D
nigel doing god-knows-what!

top: zuhui, aud, me
bottom: nigel, winston, leonard & royston

really really enjoyed talking and hanging out with everyone! brought back all those good old days. as a class, 2o9 is already a legend the moment we get together as a class. who doesn't know us? noone.
the wrestling matches, the cutting of mrs fong's hair, throwing eraser dust at her, the piranha fish erasers, the names for the clothes she wears, the toying with level 2's electric switch, the piranha songs, the desiao-ing of teachers, the passing of dictionaries, the playing with fire exits stickers, the pull-out-the-chair-and-the-table-drops-on-you, the trainings after class, the detentions, the wet newspaper war and the numerous pranks?
noone can compare to us! we created a name for ourselves. the teachers have a love-hate relationship with us cos we're so bad and yet, we're so good.
meet up soon okay! :D