thursday.went back nanhua! :D:D:D with yangping & stephanie. aaron, adelaine & liwen joined us afterwards. felt pretty happy seeing everyone again and just being in the school itself. like you feel that you belong there. and protected?
i dont know but it feels really really nice.
headed to jj after that for jj night.
it was A BLAST. and it was insane.
even though not everyone from og4 turned up but hell yeah, we had fun! we were just jumping around & cheering? and even dancing, though i barely remember the moves ._. fendy's my partner!
the weather sucked though. it rained so it was cold. after the jumping about, obviously you'll feel hot right. and after that it was back to cold. was freezing my ass off and my contacts were being sucky. plus headache & all the gnna-be-sick feeling. i think it's just the aftermath of lack of sleep & caught in a rain.
i really really really miss school :(
friday.lunch at paragon with gramps.
met up with haiyuan after that to pass him part of his present and i gave him this FANTABULOUS pink card because he's a himbo. heh. kidding.
he told me his friends were jealous. HAHAHHAHA.
met up with yangping kongbapao after that to get stuffs and had lunch AGAIN cos i'm hungry. thanks for accompanying me :D:D
dinner at soup restaurant.
went home.
had a horrible, shitty and
the most aweful night in a long time.until....
kay i'm not gnna say.
:D i love you @ the cathay with sherwin who was sooooooooooooo late.
owe me ice cream.
he wore the shirt! :D:D:D:D:D:D
mer gramps & bro.
went home, napped because of stupid cramps.
wedding dinner at the M hotel. had 4 glasses of wine ._. food's so-so.

time for shoutouts!
to the one who had yesterday and today off, please stop being such a procrastinator. do what you have to do and UPDATE ME. must okay, must!! you have my support yeah :) update the one in india too kayy and help me to tell her about those things! :D
to the one who walked home one day because 185 didn't come, thanks so so so much for accompanying me! especially these few weeks. and for layan-ing me & my kongbapao humour. thanks for sms-ing me asking me to sleep cos you know i'm still up :D
to the one who made me really proud because of x-country, takecare okay. and don't get mad at him so much. he's a guy so he's clueless. and please just ignore stupidity because it's a complete waste of time. you know we love you! :D
to the one who now has a penguin to hug, please study kay. remember what your mum said? stop being such a slacker and THROW THE TISSUES IN THE BIN. the person likes you, i swear. and must email me about HER okay!
to the one who doesn't know where the heck is pandan loop, didn't manage to meet huh. haha. pink bag wthh. shopping when school's starting! and i have yet to get that pretty purple bag omg. and i hope and wish you the very best with all the weird guys ._.
to the one who's trying to get a job, gl. and it's sad we don't get to meet and yeah, our friendship's kinda screwed up and stuff but hopefully it'll get better when i come back. and i'm glad we talked online before i go.
to the one who sprained his ankle recently, tc please. you're careless and you know it. don't you deny, you pig. eat more and stop saying you're fat cos you're not. and stay strong, even though people assume and ask about sensitive stuff. i'm here yeah. tc :D
to the one who has alot of committments and tests, thanks for everything. all the sms-es and stuff. and for allowing me to make it up to you. i will, i promise, in one way or another. i know you're happy i'll sleep early back there. hmm.
to the one having a dilemma about overseas studies, hopefully you'll work it out and don't fret or stress over it. don't feel guilty about your decision and everything yeah?
to the one with the new blog which consists of 3 entries, mug damnn hard kay. don't lan so much and i should have listened to you about the panadol thing. the tail's mine so don't cut it okay. takecare.
to the one tv freak, all the best for the not really upcoming exams. mug hard and sleep earlier or something, you night person. and buy choc digestives because you'll get hungry when you study at night :)
to everyone,
takecare y'all!
it's 4.15 and.
i'm off in.. approximately 3 hours.